Partnership alignment is key in providing the foundation of building multi-stakeholder engagement while producing a consensus community plan to reduce health disparities. The MBCC brings together various leaders in the community. Our 36 member organizations represent a cross section of survivor groups, health systems, consumers, providers, business leaders, advocates, research groups, and funders to partner on collective efforts to reduce disparities in mortality rates of Black women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in Memphis and Shelby County.
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Memphis Breast Cancer Consortium
The Problem:
In 2014, Memphis was noted as having the highest national rate of breast cancer disparities among Black women. These women die of breast cancer at two times the rate of White women. The AVON Foundation-funded study conducted in 2014, noted Memphis as the worst of 50 large cities and has doubled the disparity gap over the last 25 years. In Memphis, particularly 38106, 38107, 38108, 38109, 38111, 38114, 38115, 38118, 38126, 38127, 38128, 38134 and 38141 have breast cancer mortality rates higher than the country rate of 30%.
The Solution:
The Memphis Breast Cancer Consortium (MBCC) is a Common Table Health Alliance (CTHA) community partnership whose purpose is to bring together organizations and individuals committed to the fight against breast cancer inequalities in Memphis and Shelby County. In 2016, the AVON Breast Cancer Crusade provided seed funding to form the MBCC. CTHA is the administrative home of the Memphis Breast Cancer Consortium. We are engaging individuals, funding partners and policy makers to the following areas: Awareness, Access to Care, Patient Services, Community-facing Events, Treatment, Quality of Care, Data Sharing, and Quality Improvement.
→ Reduce breast cancer-related mortality disparity rates of Black women by 2%.
→ Increase the number of underserved and Black women receiving screening mammograms and treatment, in targeted low income zip codes by 5%.
→ Provide a consistent, unified forum for collaboration among all breast cancer survivor groups and supporting stakeholders.
Lead Strategies:
1) Community Engagement and Awareness targeting high-incidence and high-mortality zip codes.
2) Community Education and Focus on Key Policies that impact access to care and Barriers to Insurance Coverage.
3) Community-wide Data Reporting on: the Status of Care, the Quality and Capacity of care provided, and facilitate Improvement Interventions as identified.